tracce umane al mare adriatico
Lago di Garda
Felsengartenkellerei Hessigheim
Pfarrer Johannes Sänger
B27, Ersatzneubau der Enzbrücke in Besigheim
Eichenwald im Kleinsachsenheimer Großholz.
Erbschrut, Halbkanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden, CH
Sisteron (Porte de Provence)
Ziegelei-Areal in Besigheim
Portugal monocromático
Portus Cale (Latinised version for „Port of Cale“, original Celtic name Callaici, Cale) was an ancient town and port in current-day northern Portugal, in the area of today’s Grande Porto. The name of the town eventually influenced the name of the subsequent country Portugal. (Wikipedia)
Little Planet Hohenhaslach